Wake Adult Counseling

Partnering with clients to create lives they love

 through individual therapy, couples counseling, Discernment Counseling, and divorce services.

Erica Blystone, LCSW

UVA and UNC-CH launched me into a fulfilling 20+ year career of learning about people. In my off-time, my husband and two kids keep me learning. The older I get, the more fascinated I am with how people work, how relationship dynamics develop and morph, and how important it is to know our own value and trust our resilience. And how, by moving through life with intentionality, we can become who we want to be and create a life we love. It's the "intentionality" part we sometimes need help with. That's where effective therapy comes in. Read more about it here

Here is an interview I did with SAS Work/Life Center:

Discernment Counseling: When couples are considering divorce

Here is an article I wrote for them:

Here are some quick little articles I wrote for the website Deep Soulful Love:

How to Fix a Relationship After You Cheated

He Doesn't Make an Effort Anymore

He Slept With Someone Else Before We Were Exclusive

I train other therapists:

CE Training Workshops